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The integral plan and detail design for improving water quality on stations in Long-tong Bridge and Chao-zhou Bridge of the Tung-kung River and Li-kung Bridge of the Kao-ping River

The basins of Kao-ping River and Tung-kung River are the major fresh water supplier of Kao-ping area. The usage of water is mainly for the public water supply, agriculture, cultivating and industrial using. Kao-ping River is the most important water resource to Great Kaoshiung Area. Nevertheless, tremendous residential and industrial wastewater drained to Kao-Ping River and Tung-kung River because of the rapid developing of economy and human activities. That Course the severe damage to water resource quality. This study is for proving water pollution around three inspecting stations of Li-kung Bridge, Long-tong Bridge, Chao-zhou Bridge. We are not only collecting and searching the relative information between the two basins, but also review the waste loading around those pollutant areas. Using the QUAL2E model estimate the capacity between those basins. The goat of this study is establishing the tactics for reducing pollutant and improving water quality. The result of this study shows that the index pollutants were Suspend Solid (SS) in Li-kung Bridge, DO and NH3-N both in the Long-tong Bridge and Chao-zhou Bridge. Pasturage waste water is the major pollutants which percentage of BOD and NH3-N were 81.15% and 75.29% In Long-tong Bridge and Chao-zhou Bridge. According to the result of inspected and estimated pollutant loading, we are suggested following steps that could improve the water quality by enhancing the assimilative capacity of river. (i) Improving and maintain soil and water conservation and slopes recovery both on river headwater and bank areas. (ii) Estimating to scavenge sediment that can enhance assimilative capacity by improving the drainage and water quality of river. (iii) Accelerating measure to build more residential sewerage system. (iv) using the flood terrain area frequently and also use the ecological engineering to treat waste water more efficiently. (v) Keeping the policy for reducing wastewater from the swine industries in Kao-ping River and reinforcing crackdown the illegal culture violator. (vi) enforcing the bank patrolling to keep away from deteriorated by human activities.
river management ,carrying capacity, livestock wastewater, SS,BOD,NH3-N